
Showing posts from January, 2021

Our National Flower

  Lotus symbolizes purity of mind and heart. Lotus has various benefits. Isn’t it a pleasure to have such an alluring flower as our national flower? I hope you know the benefits of the Lotus flower? Well no problem, because I am here to tell you most of the benefits of Lotus. Lotus flower consists of chemicals that reduce swelling and also kill cancer cells and bacteria. It reduces blood sugar, helps in reducing the fat in our body, and protects the heart and the blood. Lotus further has some chemicals that seem to protect the skin, liver, and brain. But that’s not all, Lotus signifies many things like in many different cultures, notably in eastern religions Lotus acts as a symbol of self-regeneration, purity, enlightenment, and rebirth. It is said that the characteristics of Lotus are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the plant produces the most elegant and beautiful flower. Now I am sure you would like something fun so why not

What If You Were Lost At Sea

 What if a man is about to dive 20 m off the top of a cruise ship. What will happen to his body when he hits the water? Well, luckily for him, and others, the impact of hitting the water wouldn't be the worst part of going overboard. The worst part would be what could come next: being lost at sea. Even if you're wearing a life jacket, surviving all alone in a giant body of water until someone rescues you will not be easy. What would be the biggest threat to your survival? How could fish eyes save your life? And how long would you have before the water starts breaking down your skin? Hypothermia will come in soon as it is so cold then dehydration will soon follow. It is way easier to drown in freshwaters than it is to drown in saltwater. Not only is saltwater more buoyant than fresh water, but it’s also safer to inhale. If you’re going to drown in salt water, it’s because the water you inhaled into your lungs stopped you from getting oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. But with

My Dream House

 Hello!! Everyone, how are you?? I hope you will be fit and good. Everyone wants their own house it can be a bungalow, house in an apartment. I am going to talk about my dream house. Since I was a child, I had been dreaming to live in a house that would be a place of peace, joy, and inspiration. I dont like the idea of living in a noisy city in an apartment in a block of flats. My dream house should be situated outside the city, in a deserted place, somewhere in a wood near a lake surrounded by beautiful nature, or it could be an amazing idea to live somewhere on an island with beautiful sandy beaches and a lot of suns. I love nature and it would be so exciting to wake up early in the morning and listen to the birds singing. At least, my dream house should be located near a small river in the countryside where I could live in peace and harmony with serene nature. My dream house should be of a simple design. I would like it to be in a bungalow, designed in basic colors. I would like to

Republic Day

 Good evening friends, I am back with yet another blog. Like everyone else, I too was very excited upon learning the topic of the blog - The Republic Day of India. Having studied and read on the topic, it looked to be a fairly easy task. But having sat down to write about it, I realized that my knowledge on the topic was fairly limited to the date - 26 January and that a country that has a President to rule it. I was determined to find a little more about the topic at hand. So I asked my father who promptly made me open the heavy Marriam Webster Dictionary to first read and understand the definition which I quote "a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch (king or queen) and who in modern times is usually a president". He further explained that the United States of America is a prime example cited as both democracy and a republic in which the supreme power is held by the people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation. India


  Dear friends, I would like to share my timelines with you. I started going to school when I was 4 years old. I don’t remember those days much of K1, but I use to like drawing and coloring. Then I started liking going to school. When I was in K2, I got many friends. We used to have fun all day. Then I went to Grade-I. At that time I was 6 years old. I started going to daycare after school and stayed there, till my mother pick me up. I started skating since was in Grade-I. Then I went to Grade-II. I started learning swimming in Grade-II and since then, Swimming became my favorite sport. I learned ‘Sharing’ in Grade-II. Also, I learned, reading the Map and got to know about different states & countries. Now I am in Grade-IV and I am 9 years old. From Grade-III onwards, I started learning subjects like Science, Math, English, French, etc. I like to learn new subjects and also like to visit new places. Thank you. By- Dhruv Singh Grade 4

A Day Without Internet

 Hi everyone my name is Aryan Rajiv and today I will be telling you guys about how a day would go without the INTERNET so why not begin. Listen everyone would go mad and I mean mad It would be like hell without the internet everyone knows that I'm pretty sure right? Okay but I want to dig deep and I mean deep if we didn't have internet people wouldn't have jobs most people at least because in today's time the world would collapse without internet since most people's jobs are internet based or network based it would make life much harder not just jobs, you know how your grandmother make delicious things for you to eat she has probably learnt it from huge social media sites such as YouTube or Google and you guessed it they all run on the internet and during COVID 19 we won't be able to have fun in online classes we wouldn't be able to play exciting games and let me tell you I personally have gone insane without internet at my grandmother's house as her ne

A Day Without Internet

 Guys, I am back with one more and today I am going to tell A day without internet. This day is the experience of my life where there is no internet to watch, play, or something else with the internet. You know the day is going to be terrible but not really. Do you know something? The day is not only for me but also for all my friends and their parents including mine. It is going to be real fun. Let's see what do I have today. The day started with a boom. Early morning I woke up, saw that everyone came outside to sit and think about what to do today??? I asked, "what are we doing today, Is it something special!" Then my mom said " Nothing really special, but it is a task where we need to be without the Internet." Then I knew this day and it was also that my friends also going to do the same. Then I asked my mother that " Mom can I call everyone and play" and my mom said, " Yes why not you can play till the very end of the day." I was hap

Oreo Food Hacks

  No matter how you place Oreo Cookie biscuits it's gonna be just super easy and delicious. Most folks have grown up to the Oreo cookie; it's been America’s favorite cookie for several years, further as my very own. There has even been a “debate” on how we eat them, from dunking them in milk or twisting one side and eating the filling first. The oreo is formed of two chocolate wafers with the sweet white creamy middle in between the wafers OREO MUG CAKE Gather the ingredients. Mix the flour, sugar, leavening, and salt in until well combined. Add the milk, oil, and seasoning. Mix the batter until it's well combined, ensuring there are not any streaks of flour. Crush 3 Oreo cookies in a very sandwich bag. confirm there are some fine crumbs and some larger pieces. Stir the crushed cookies into the batter. Microwave on high for two minutes. You'll know it's cooked when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let it cool for about 10 minutes before enjoying

New Dawn In The U.S.A

  Hello everyone!! I am Ronil, I love to share some of my amazing experiences, incredible facts, reviews, some of my feelings in the form of blogs... The other day I was thinking isn't it amazing the number of power, people can have in a democracy. One shall never forget that in a democracy the truth always prevails... It was just yesterday, that the world's strongest democracy the U.S was headed by a fascist, racist and sexist politician Donald Trump. But as I said, people knew that they deserved better. In November 2020, the people of the U.S elected Joe Biden & Kamala Harris as their President and Vice President respectively. Later Donald Trump tried to stop the count and said that the election was a fraud without any evidence. After not getting a positive response Trump incited a MAGA mob because of which the 2021 Capitol riots occurred, which resulted in 5 deaths. Now all the Americans realized the America Trump had created, the sea of lies and false promises he made.

Don't Forget To Smile

 Life is full of pressure, stress, new opportunities, difficulties. But the most important is to take these all things like challenges and fought like warriors. Whenever we face any difficulties look around the people who are facing more difficulties. Some are sick, some are poor, some have money but no family. We should think about all these things for which we are blessed. How blessed we are, that we can blink our eyes, taste the food, breathe freely, move our body parts, run, walk, eat, see, hear. We have parents who take care of our small petty things. Have you seen those kids who live in slums? How happy they look, they are happy with nothing near them, they just enjoy their life. My mom and dad always give me examples of such kids and tells me to be grateful to God for such a blessed life. They also tell me that tests are there to make us strong. God tests only those whom he loves. So always smile and be happy still when you don't feel like being happy. Be happy for the peop


 Hello Everybody, This is Saachi. Wishing you all a very happy Makar Sankranti and a happy New Year. Today, I am going to share one dream with you all. One night I dreamt of being in Wonderland with my friends. There were Mountains of Cakes, Rivers of melted chocolate, Sky made up of jelly, rains full of french fries, and Clouds of Marshmallows. Trees were full of hanging chocolates, gummies, and bottles of milkshakes. Toys made up of biscuits and cream wafers. I and my friends jumped into the river, climbed on the trees, and jumped to catch the delicious marshmallows. After that, we all ran towards the cake mountain and we had fun there while jumping on the mountain and eating the cake. We enjoyed ourselves a lot there and at last, my Mom woke me up from my sleep and that was the end of my wonderful dream. I hope that my dream comes true and I and my friends enjoy such Wonderland in real. Thank you all so much for reading my blog. By- Saachi Gulati Grade 3

Republic Day

 Hello friends, today I am going to share about REPUBLIC DAY. India celebrates Republic Day on January 26 annually with a lot of pride and fervor. It is a day that is important to every Indian citizen. It marks the day when India became truly independent and embraced democracy. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar led a constitutional drafting committee on August 28, 1947. After drafting, it was presented to the Constituent Assembly by the same committee on November 4, 1947. This whole procedure was very elaborate and took up to 166 days to complete. Moreover, the committee organized sessions were kept open to the public. Moreover, the first session of the India Parliament was also conducted on this day. In addition to that, 26thJanuary also witnessed the swearing-in of India’s first president, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Thus, this day is very important as it marks the end of British rule and the birth of India as a Republic State. By- Stavan Utekar Grade-3


 Hey readers!!!!!!!! Today I am going to share my favorite cartoon. My favorite CARTOON is SHIN - CHAN. It is a CHINESE CARTOON. It is a very funny cartoon. The cartoon has 5 characters and one cute puppy. The puppy's colour is white and grey. I love that cartoon very much and it is a moral cartoon too. Every Sunday I watch this cartoon with my elder sister or sometimes alone. The cartoon's movies also telecast sometimes. I love to watch them all. But till now I have only watched 4 movies out of 7 of them all. I suggest you all should also go and watch this cartoon too. Thank you all. By- Amal Grade-3

A Day In Wonderland

 Today morning when I got up from sleep I found myself in a beautiful Wonderland. This Wonderland was made of chocolaty things. Once I entered in, there were 2 Elves, they welcomed me with Chocolate pastry and hot chocolate drink. When I got further a big chocolaty train waited for me, When I entered the train, it started running at full speed. After some time a Pantry boy came and served me lots of chocolate food. The food was very delicious. When the train stopped, I jumped out, and I saw very tasty Choco river. I dived in the Choco river and was very happy.  Then suddenly I saw a big bird came to drink Choco water from the river.  I got a little scare but went ahead to see him closely. He was a big black dragon with green eyes When I went near him, he licked me with his big tongue. we become friends with each other. I sat on him and he took in the city. The city was too beautiful and everyone was celebrating the Christmas party.  In the center of the city there was a big Christmas t

The Mystery Man

 Hey, bloggers and readers today I am telling you about a very mysterious man that was very weird as he claimed did something and after some time he was gone. This blog is about John Titor a man who claimed to be time traveling and one day he disappeared. This man came in the 2001s and he was claiming that he came from the 2040s. This man was claiming that there would be a massive nuclear explosion in the mid 2009s which obviously didn’t happen. So obviously the media was propagating around the whole country about this and people thought that he was lying. He then even showed his time-traveling machine and the detailed diagrams about the time-traveling machine.5100 computers were used in this process. Titor said he had been selected for this mission specifically, given that his paternal grandfather was directly involved with the assembly and programming of the 5100 computers. In support of this, he described unregistered features of the 5100 CP, leading to assumptions that a computer s

Republic Day

 Hello readers! This is me your favourite blogger, Tanishk and today our topic is Republic Day .so let’s start zoom in! Republic Day is one of the national festivals of India and is celebrated on 26th January every year. We started to celebrate Republic Day on 26th January 1950 and the day we started to follow the Constitution. The Constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949 and was drafted by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his team. Did you know this year we are celebrating the 72nd Republic Day! The main Republic Day is celebrated in New Delhi, India. In Rajpath, ceremony parades take place every year. In every school and college, Teachers distribute sweets to all the students, students give speeches and play cultural dances on this day. We should be proud that we live in India and should pray for the souls of those martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect our lives and country. That is it for this blog I hope you enjoyed this blog and check out my previous blogs but until n

Birth Of Our Constitution!

  Hello Everyone! Hope you all are fit and fine. I am back again with a blog filled with the stars of curiosity. Do you know that India is the only country with this number of festivals? I guess your answer will be positive. There are many festivals, which are divided by religion, caste, and more but some festivals like Republic Day, Independence Day, more are celebrated by all the residents of India remembering the great idols of that time. Whenever we celebrate a national festival, everyone feels proud of the idols for their work. Today, It's 15th January and we are very close to praise the idols again. Yes, you have guessed it right. Republic day is coming and it's a very special day. So, further in this blog, I am going to tell you about Republic day. Fasten your seat belts and let's go on a journey of Republic day. Republic day is celebrated because, on the day of 26th January 1950, our constitution came into effect. Firstly, on 26th November 1949, the constitution was

My Dream City

  As an infant and a tween, I have always wanted to have my own city- a city that ran under me. I have had many dreams of having cities on the clouds, in space, and underwater as an infant and now I finally can put it into words now, through this blog. What are you waiting for, come on let's dive into my dream city A city needs to have a name, otherwise, what would you call it? I would name my city Aquarius. The reason to have this name particularly is that aqua means water and I wish to have a city under the water! Underwater because many people think that seas, oceans, and other water bodies are just deep, cold, and frightening and I want them to look at the water bodies with a new perspective, they don't know that there's a completely new world underwater! I want to develop awareness about life underwater and how breath-taking it can be, how it's a portal to an amazing world. I would want my city to be under the rainbow reef, the reason being is I absolutely love how

My New Home

  Hello guys! I am back with another mind-blowing blog on my new home. It's a very interesting topic to write on. I am going to shift to Vikhroli by May-2021 in my new home with my family. But since my birth, I have been living in Dombivali. I loved my home in Dombivali. The Society in which I was living is named Raj park CHS. I have enjoyed myself here a lot with my parents, friends, and neighbors. My old school was also nice and I have very wonderful memories of it. It is very difficult sometimes to leave one place and settle down in another new place. Since my birth, I am in Dombivali and after a few days, I will be in Vikhroli. I am curious and also nervous about how I am going to adjust myself in the new area there. But you know one thing, I have already started that, with my new School. Orchids The International School, Vikhroli Branch. Since March-2020, I am attending online classes on various subjects, giving exams, and participating in competitions. But still, I am trying

Imaginary Insect

  Hello everyone !!!! today I am going to tell you something exciting ........after reading this, I am sure that you will get goosebumps...I know that you will not believe me but I am not bluffing......So I request don't take off your eyes from the screen it carefully. One day I along with my few friends went trekking as we were excited and curious to know more about trekking ...So we started our trek, after reaching half the way I realized that all of us were separated ......all were walking in other direction I couldn't see any of my friend..all of a sudden a soft huffing!!!!! The noise was continuously disturbing me when I turned my head to find out what noise is it and to the wonder, I saw a huge flying insect which was as huge as a mountain and can fly ....It was in muddy brown color.... its eyes were as green as could ...and swim I was scared to see it but wanted to continue my trek I gave a hard box and scolded it very severely it got sc

My Second Favorite Cartoon Character.

  My second favorite cartoon character My second favorite cartoon character is princess Luna. Princess Luna is Princess Celestia's little sister. I have already written a blog about her right? Well, you can check in the blog section. So princess luna rises up the moon. Princess Luna is an alicorn like Princess Celestia. She has wings and a unicorn horn. She is known as the moon princess. Well, she even has an evil form! Spooky! Her evil form is known as the nightmare moon! I know! That is a spooky name! that's nightmare moon! She even looks spooky. Princess Celestia tried to defeat the nightmare moon and get princess luna back. But she couldn't. Because Nightmare moon was very powerful. Well in the end princess Celestia did defeat nightmare moon. But her sister came back after a few years. Well that was a happy ending, right? What do you think? Do you like nightmare moon or luna? I like luna better! Thank you! By-Kaavvya wadekar Grade-4 

An Imaginary Insect

  Hello friends, welcome to my blog. Today my blog is about an imaginary insect. Yes, you read it right. As you all are aware that insects live around us. Some insects such as home flies and spiders are most common in most households and some insects like cockroaches come out of their hidden place at night when the lights turn off. I too came across one such insect which I have named as an imaginary insect. Well, let me tell you in detail. One day while I was helping my mother in removing the peeled vegetables from the floor. While doing so I was bitten by some insect which I felt could be from one of the sharp edges of the vegetable peel. After cleaning the floor, I went to my bedroom to organize my things in the cupboard. While doing so, I was once again bitten by some insect. I ran to my mother and asked her to check. She removed my shirt and while checking she saw a small insect in the shirt but before we could recognize the insect it flew away. Since then while narrating the incid


  Hello friends, I am back with my blog with an interesting topic! As I like reading and learning about bugs and insects it would be fun to write about MY IMAGINARY INSECT! The insect world is wonderful as it is made of royals like queens, princesses and the rest made up of warriors, gatherers, and builders as well as solitary individuals. Praying mantis, stick insects, beetles, bees, and spiders are some which I like the most. To help me with my thoughts on MY IMAGINARY INSECT, I rely upon the wonderful 3D Bugs and Insects book with pop-ups set in different insect habitats that we have at home. Also, the beetle "Gaston - The Lady Bug" from Ben & Holly and "Maya" from Maya & The Bees animation series are amongst my favorites TV shows. This IMAGINARY INSECT has beautiful but large butterfly wings with leafy green color to act as a camouflage. It has a vicious stinger like the hornets as well as a horn-like 'horn/rhino beetle for its defense. It has 100 le

Best- Loved Season

  Flowers blooming, trees giving colorful leaves, rainbows made from dewdrops and sunlight ... What magnificent scenery! But this all happens in one season... It's spring! Wonderful, so it means to take your mango juice with a straw and put a chair outside your garden. Now, start reading my blog! Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you to sit! Okay, now sit! Read more! 🍃🌷🌈🌦️🍹 Spring is one of the four seasons. Spring is my preferred season. Mostly in spring, there is a variety of juicy fruits waiting for me🍎🥭 . Spring is the symbol of rebirth. When it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere it is Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is North of the equator, the US is in the North. The Southern Hemisphere is South of the equator, Australia is in the South. Many times, Spring began in March. This season gives us warm and calm evenings, and it feels like the days are longer. Cows', ducks' and many birds' babies are given in this season. This season gives me

Timeline ( My Journey Planned To Kolkata)

  Hello! Friends today I am going to write a blog on an amazing topic “Timeline”. My timeline is based on my plans to visit Kolkata. I had a marvelous time last winter break. We started our journey to Kolkata on 25 th  December 2020. On one hand, we were afraid of going out due to Coronavirus but on the other hand, we were excited to visit Kolkata as I was going out after one year to visit my relative, especially my big brother. I was very happy and eagerly waiting to meet him. When we reached my aunt and uncle had come to receive us at the airport. I was surprised to see my grandparents over there. Having them over there doubled my excitement. I have planned many things in my mind and was waiting for the right time. The next day I and my brother started our day with the morning walk. My brother took football along with him so that we can play in the park. In the afternoon we visited Science City. I was very happy and excited. We came back in the evening had our dinner and slept togeth

Peter's Day Outside Part 1

  Peter's Day Outside Part 1 Author : Revant Suraj Nair Hi reader i am Revant nair from grade 3\A and the topic which i will tell you is peter's story. One day there was many bunnies the mother bunnies name was mother rabbit and she had 4 little bunnies the first name was peter, slopsy,mopsy.flopsy. then one day mother rabbit said there is no bread so she told the children that i am going to buy some bread i will come soon then the 4 bunnies said we also what to go the the mother told yes but don't go to the farmer's garden then they told ok mother . then they put on their shoes and went out then they saw a blackberry plant the 2 bunnies went to the black berry plant but peter did not go told i don't want blackberry plant he wanted leaves so he went to the farmer place and the farmer came and killed the rabbit and the mother was crying and felt sad . if you what to know more wait for my next blog Thankyou for reading my blog and .Have a wonderful day

An Imaginary Creature

  Hello everyone! Today I am going to write an interesting blog on the topic named ‘Imaginary Creature’. I hope you would be curious to read and enjoy my blog. One night I was sleeping in my room. As it was my birthday the next day I remained busy doing my birthday preparation the whole day. In the evening I was so tired that I fast got asleep. In my dream, I saw something strange happening. Can you guess what? I saw a very strange creature standing at the window of my room waving hands towards me. I don’t know what it was; I was scared as well as confused to see it. It might be an insect or an alien but it had a very unpleasant look. I made myself hid under the bedsheet. That creature was green in color with big eyes, four ears, and four limbs. It came closer to me, put his hands on my head, greeted me hello, and also wished me happy birthday dear friend. Hearing this birthday wish from him I cooled down, gathered some confidence, and looked towards him. I saw his eyes were sparkling

My Alien Friend

I don’t know whether you would believe me but I suggest you believe me…………………because I tell you……….each and every word which I am telling is true. Soooo…. It started when I was in school. The bell rang loudly! This means home time. As I was going home I spotted a beautiful garden. There was no one in there, but the greenery and the beautiful flowers gave me company. Suddenly I heard something make noise I looked up in the sky. I saw something in the sky it was descending and coming towards the garden. I got terrified I hid behind the bushes and at that moment I heard a loud thud. I understood that it had landed but, what was that? I peeked from behind the bushes and do you know what I saw…… I saw a big space ship. I started breathing heavily in shock. Suddenly I saw an alien walking towards me. It said hello! What’s your name? I replied, “Hello! My name is Kaavya”. Its face was in a curved triangular shape and its body was in a dark shade of purple. It said to me that please hide me as

My Alien Friend

  Hello, Orcadians I am back with another fascinating topic, My Alien Friend. One evening when I came back home from school and went to my bedroom, I saw a damaged UFO, full of smoke in the corner and something was coming out of it towards me. I was scared and started shouting and suddenly that walking thing got disappeared. I felt it was my imagination and got back to my routine. After a while, when I was reading my storybook, I realized some moment in my room and again I saw a similar image, I gathered some courage and tried to ask that being who are you? What does he want? He took a pen and paper from my study table and wrote that they had come from another planet and in an accident, their UFO got damaged so he needs my help. I had no option than to trust him. The very moment I had a thought of my uncle who is a scientist in Area 51 and he is an expert in all of this stuff so I knew he could help him. I told him that my uncle works in Area 51 he could help us. Then I called him and

My Unusual Insect..........

  There is a very funny insect that you like to spy. And it isn't quite a spider, and it isn't quite a fly. It is something like a butterfly and more like a bee, But not like a warm that climbs up a tree. Its name is not quite easy but not quite hard, but I know that you will learn it soon. So  tro: tro-want tor-want-gongolo It lives on underground trees. And has a happy face; Its appetite is hearty, and its manners a disgrace. When first you come upon it, it will give you quite a scare, But when you look for it again it will still be there. And unless you call it softly it will stay away and mope So tro: tro-want tor-want-gongolo It trembles if you tickle it or tread upon its toes; it is not an early riser, but it  has a long nose. If you sneer at it or scold it, it will scuttle off in shame, But it  purrs and purr quite proudly if you call it by its name, And offer it some sandwiches of sealing-wax and soap. So  tro tro-want tor-want-gongolo But of course, you haven’t seen it

The 7 Wonders Of The World!

  1)Mount Everest Mount Everest is renowned because the highest spot on earth, at 8,848 meters above water level. it's parked right on the border between Nepal and Chinese-owned Tibet, and it's protected by Sagarmatha park within the Himalayas. 2)Rio de Janeiro Located in Brazil, the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro is surrounded by granite mountains that were formed by erosion from the Atlantic. it's also known as Guanabara Bay and it has the white stone statue of Christ, which Is a famous image atop Corcovado Mountain, facing the ocean together with his arms outstretched. 3)Great Barrier Reef It’s the house of Nemo, and it’s right on our doorstep. it has one big, long, connected coral reef. it's made from 2,900 individual reefs constructed by millions and billions of minuscule coral polyps, which are living organisms. 4)Victoriya Falls As the Zambezi crosses the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, it has an amazing waterfall that's 1.7km wide. The falls also are called Mosi-o