
Showing posts from December, 2020

Mysterious Santa

  Merry Christmas, everyone! Let's move on to know more about Santa Claus! I mostly think Santa Claus is a fictional story. There are many songs, children's books, films, advertisements, television cartoons, and many more about Santa Claus. Santa has many names, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, and more. There is no Santa Claus, but to bring joy for children, their parents, grandparents, or more relatives keep the gifts in the fireplace for them, when the children are sleeping in the night. And when they wake up, the first thing they say is, "Woah, look over here, I got a present from Santa Claus''! If it's not real too, it brings joy, and that's more important. It is also said that, Santa lists out toys and candies for good-behaving children, and coal to naughty children! Santa Claus, has his helpers, the faithful elves of his, and pulls his sleigh through the air, his flying reindeers. His reindeers' names are, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, C

My Secret Santa

 Hello!.......dear friends! It’s good to meet again. I am back again this week with another topic but this time it is a Christmassy topic as Christmas’s near. Can you guess the topic? It’s something related to Santa. Yes, that’s right! It’s my Secret Santa. Who do you think is your Secret Santa? I think my Secret Santa is my mother and my father because they fulfill all my wishes all around the year. I think that everyone’s Secret Santa is their mother and father as they try to fulfill all the wishes of their children. Well, I have a very alluring question for all of you that is if you had a chance to meet Santa who has magical powers. The Santa who is the same for everybody what will be your wish. What would you ask for toys or maybe magical powers or nothing? I don’t know what you will ask for but let me tell you what I will ask for. I will ask Santa to fulfill my parents' and my grandparents' wishes. Because we children can ask for all our desires from our parents but o

The Problem I Faced

 Hello, friends, I am Nirbhava, what if all Electric things stop Working? just think about what you will do if you face this problem? you are all alone in the house and your laptop stops working because you have not charged it and also your other electric equipment such as wifi router, mobile phones stop working? I was one who was in my house my mother was out shopping I was attending my online class when suddenly there was a power cut, I noticed my laptop stopped working because the charging was very low and my mother’s mobile stopped working too as its charging was very low.I did not know what to do as I was missing my classes, I was feeling very sad and helpless. Just then I saw that my mother had returned home. I was so happy to see her that I hugged my mother. I told her everything that had happened. My mother said not to worry but should be more careful next time and charge my laptop so that I don’t miss the class in case there was a power cut. I felt better listening to

Review Of The Crown

 Hello everyone!! I am Ronil, I love to share some of my amazing experiences, incredible facts, reviews, some of my feelings in the form of blogs... Today I'll be reviewing a show which is one of my favorite historical drama The Crown is a Netflix original series that is based on Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Its 1st season was released in 2016 which showed the wedding of young Elizabeth and Philip and how in their royal tour when they were in Kenya her father King George IV had died. After her father's sudden death, the young princess had succeeded and was now The Queen. The season also shows how Prince Philip wants the family's name to change from The House Of Windsor to The House Of Mountbatten however the Prime minister and Queen Mary(Elizabeth's grandmother) were against his decision and nor did The Queen herself supported it. The 2nd season shows us about the Suez crisis, Prime minister Harold MacMillan's retirement. Also the birth of Prince And

My Secret Santa

  Hey reader's and my dear friends .  I am back with a new blog and it is about a note to me about Christmas. Today I am going to tell you about 2018 Christmas gift I got from secret Santa on Christmas morning I saw a gift for me I opened the gift and it was a remote car I was happy on the next year I could not sleep so I went I the hall and I saw somebody was putting a gift under my Christmas tree then I saw they were my parents. Friends Santa is no real but secret Santa is our parents. Thank you. By - Revant Nair Grade 3

The Mystery Of A Brave Man Part -2

 Hello!! Everyone How are you? I hope you all are fine. As I said in my last blog, I will be continuing the mystery. So, let’s start. Ranjan Kumar Rathod woke up Samuel Jolden a soldier which was from his battalion. He signaled SOS as he thought that there might be an enemy attack. He took his geo tracker and went off in the direction of the voice. Geo tracker had motion and heat sensor which would help Ranjan Kumar Rathod to detect any person in the nearby area. The red dots on the geo tracker screen should that there were 2 living beings around 500m away. He wore 10 kilos weighed boots and 35 kilos of gear. Each step took a great strength both mental and physical. Walking on snow was painful. Due to the heavyweight of gear, every step was very painful in extreme climatic weather. Ranjan Kumar Rathod came within 100m. He heard the noise again this time it was clear and louder. BACHAO!! Ranjan Kumar Rathod increased his speed because it seemed that the man was in terrible need. Ra

Say No To Plastic As There Is ‘No Plan B’

 Hey, bloggers and writers today I am going to talk about an item that is destroying the whole world. Plastic is very bad for the environment as it takes very long to decompose. It takes about an eternity. When we burn plastic we release methane which is toxic and is bad for the environment. If we bury plastic in the soil it will make the soil infertile. So we should ‘reuse’ plastic. We should follow the 3r’s which is ‘reduce’, ‘reuse’ and ‘recycle’. We can avoid using plastic by using jute bags to buy fruits and vegetables. We can use a wooden toothbrush as when we throw it after 6 months and it doesn’t decompose. We should use it as a best out of waste like a pen stand or an airplane. We should recycle even though it takes about a year to recycle it, as it is better to recycle that to pollute the environment. If we pollute the environment then there is no other planet we can live in so far. If we pollute the environment then our end is coming in the near future and we will kill

The Joyful Month!!

 Hello everyone!! I am back with a joyful and festive blog, let's begin!! Christmas is one of the most popular festivals, which is widely celebrated by people from different countries across the globe, this festival is celebrated with great joy. Especially children enjoy this festival as they get a lot of gifts from Santa Claus and their family. So are you excited? to know more about Christmas and why it is celebrated? Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. He was born to Mother Mary on this day in Bethlehem, Christian people consider him The Son Of God. On this day we spent our day with happiness and love by doing shopping for the family for the outfits like we mostly wear clothes of red and white colour, baking unique Christmas cookies, decorating the Christmas Tree and do a party with our family and friends, so this way we spent our Christmas Day. But this is not the end of our joy, right? After Christmas, another joy

Problem I Faced In My Life

 Hello! Friends, everyone in this world faces some or the other problem in his/her life. Problems may be big or small; they never come by informing us, they suddenly appear. My today’s blog is based on one of the problems which I faced in my school life. It was the first day of my school when I was in grade 1. I was scared as well as excited to visit my new school. I woke up in the morning, had some breakfast, dressed, and got ready for my school. My school bus came and picked me up from the bus stop. When we reached school all of us were taken straight away to the school assembly hall. I saw all grade students were also assembled there. While standing there suddenly I realized that my bag was missing. I searched for it everywhere in the assembly hall but couldn’t find it. Already I was scared as it was my first day and then I lost my bag. I felt like crying. I saw my bus attendant and went to her told her about this. She conveyed this message to the lost and found department and


 HEY readers my name is Amal. Today I am going to tell you all about my birthday. The day I enjoyed. That was my 9th birthday. My best friends KAVYA and SARA came with gifts. The birthday was celebrated at home. We had games, winner gifts too. My family made a cake at home it was tasty like the shop cake it had coco chips and yummy cherries on the top. We all danced and sang songs. I sang "Into the unknown". Everybody enjoyed it very much. Lastly, we watched a scary movie the name of the movie was [ AM I SITTL ALIVE] Everyone was happily watching the film holding their teddy bears. At last, the time to open the gifts first I opened Kavya's gift she gave me a soap making kit and after her gift, I opened Sara's gift she gave me a doll dress making kit I thanked my mom and dad for this party I wish I have like this birthday next time also... By- Amal Sayed Grade 3


 Author : Amal Sayed Hey readers my name is Amal. Today I am going to tell you all about a gift for my secret Santa receiving a gift from Santa is very common I thought I should buy something very special for my Secret Santa...........Do you want to know what's that?....Then stay tuned..... I was getting ready to buy a gift for my secret Santa. I went with my best friend Kavya she wanted to know why am I buying a gift?. I was very happy to give the blast gift to my secret friend. I was going to drop Kavya at her home and after that, I wrapped the gift for him. After this wrapping, I dressed like a Santa and wore a red and white hat like him. I was ready. I went at 2 o'clock am to the living room and what a blast that secret Santa was my DAD. I give my gift to my dad and we sang merry Christmas too. That was a blast of a year of my life, I would like this year and the next year to be like this also. THANK YOU. By- Amal Sayed Grade 3

My Secret Santa Claus- My Father

 Hello Readers and my friends..............Merry Christmas..............Today my blog is about my secret Santa- My let's start 5 4 3 2 1 go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my hometown, I was living and playing with my cousins, it was Christmas day, we used to play from morning to night. Then it was the evening time. That time I was In the house. There came a man dressed like a Santa Claus which was My father. We also wore sunglasses and a red bag of lots of chocolates. yum yum yum, Tasty yum. And We got a lot of lots of chocolates. we enjoyed ourselves a lot in Christmas. So friends that is how we celebrated Christmas I hope you Enjoyed this blog By- Baibhav Dey Grade 3

My Dream Classroom

 Hello!!! everyone, Here comes your favorite blogger, Medhansh. Today I would like to share my views on My Dream Classroom. My dream classroom would be located in an open place with lots of natural light, cool air, trees, and plants. I would call all my friends and invite anyone who wants to join even if he is not my friend. I will also invite all my teachers and Principal Mam to educate us and enjoy ourselves. In My Dream Classroom, there will be all types of books including storybooks, games like carrom, chess, ludo, football, etc. In my dream classroom, there will be no disturbance from traffic and sound pollution. There will be no time limit on the duration of any class and students can enjoy any class for as long as they want. My teachers will teach in the most fun ways so that we enjoy it a lot. Thank you and see you soon. By- Medhansh Kacker Grade 3

My Little Sister

 My mother has given me wonderful gift, when baby was in my mother's womb, I always use to pray it should be girl. God has given me beautiful sister, whom I call Saanvi. When she was born I was very happy little angel came to our family. I used to change her diaper and try to put her sleep when mom is busy with her other work. She is around 3 years old her pet name is saanu , she is fair and silky hair. She is like a doll and she is mischievous and very talkative. She likes to dance and sing. Her favorite song is VAste and le jaa. She loves to drink only milk. We both fight and love each other. She loves to wear my dresses. Whenever I will talk with mom she will start disturbing me, she wants attention every time. She will cry for small things. She is going to playgroup but she is lucky don't have online classes. Without her, I am not able to spend the day. When she goes to daycare I missed her, during lockdown we are able to spend much time with each other.

My Hobby........

  My favorite hobby; art. My favourite hobby has never changed since I was young, and that is art. Ever since I was little I loved to create, craft, and draw things. It has never stopped and even now, whenever I have a pencil at hand with my notebook or a piece of paper, I will create and draw. My favourite aspects of drawing are creating characters of all sorts, inspired by people I see around me or pictures inspired by�the music I'm listening to. In college now, I am studying Fine art and graphic design, as these are my two favourite subjects to do. In the future I would love to do many things related to art, such as making my own t-shirt/jumper designs, illustrating books, becoming a tattooist, making comics, becoming a special effects artist or even a make-up artist. If failing all of these I will still wish to continue into making art that I would love to be commissioned for or give them as presents. One day I would love to create a mural on a wall somewhere of a drawing

My Favourite Sports

 hello Readers............, How are you all ...l am Laisha you know me,. and you know today I am talking about my favorite sport it is Cricket 🏏. My favourite team is the Indian cricket team... The India men's national cricket team, also known as Team India and Men in blue color. The Indian cricket team is an International cricket team representing India. Cricket is played between two teams consisting of 11 players each. Only 11players, a team can field irrespective of the format. They first competed in International cricket in1932 when they played against England in a three-day test match. By - Laisha Shetty Grade 3

My Three Wishes

 Hi guys. This is Sarisha. Today I am writing a blog on my three wishes. Yesterday my friend met me for a long time. We were conversing with each other. During conversing, she asked me a question that what would be my three wishes and why I what those wishes to come true. My first wish was 'If I would have Wings'. So that I can Fly up in the sky and see the scenery. I would see the different types of birds flying in the sky. When there is school instead of going by bus I would fly and reach there. My second wish is 'If there were no exams'. I think If there were no exams we would enjoy it a lot. No exams only studies and vacations after studies are over and during summer vacations. My third wish is 'If birthday comes every month in the year'. I would be the luckiest person. There would be so many gifts in a month. I would cut a cake every month. How amazing it would be If my all these three wishes come true. Sarisha Takke Grade 3


 Good morning teachers and principal. I have a topic for you. And I hope that you would like it. I am super excited to share the topic! The topic's name is MY FAVOURITE ANIMAL. Are you excited to read. Let's start. Pets are special and very adorable. I have a dog named Rocky. Our pet dog Rocky is very faithful. It guards our house. Rocky is brown in colour. It has sharp teeth. Its tail is curved and hairy. We all family members take care of Rocky. But I am always more concerned, vaccinations and eating habits. I make Rocky bath thrice a week. I make sure that Rocky gets food on time. Rocky follows me wherever I go. It waits for me in the front door when its time for me to come home from school. It becomes very happy after seeing me. Rocky has become like a friend who is always excited to play. My favourite pet Rocky is a fun to be around. I never get bored when Rocky is present. It is a very loving and caring creature. It is really amazing to have a pet like Rocky. Thank you s

If I Had Three Wishes What Would They Be And Why

 Hello readers! this is me your favourite blogger Tanishk! I and today my topic is if I had three wishes what would they be and why. Woah, that is a big topic, So going back on track let’s not waste any more time and start with this topic zoom in! if I had three wishes the first one would be to make coronavirus disappear obviously. My second wish candy on my own my second wish is for candy to rain on my house so, I will go outside and eat all the candy and finally, the last but not the least wish would be to make me smarter. Remember this all wishes are just imaginary but if I scrubbed a magical pot and the genie came out I will ask him to make these wishes come true, okay I was just joking that was from the movie Aladdin but that was the three wishes I would wish for if the genie from Aladdin was here. So I hope you enjoyed my blog go ahead and read my previous blogs and the ones I am going to post in the future. But until my next blog, it means zooming out bye see you next time!

My Favorite Book

  Author : Kaavya Paliwal Hola dear friends! Today I have a great topic to talk about. Can you guess the topic? Yes, you heard it correctly. It is my favorite book. My favorite book is Thea Stilton and the treasure of the sea. It's a great story. In this, some mice go on an adventure to the sea. Luckily they could breathe underwater also. They saw many different creatures but that's not what they came for. They had come to find the sea violin because if the creatures in the sea didn't hear the sea violin then their color will fade. The names of these mice are Thea, Paulina, Collet, Nicky, Violet, and Pamela. They are best friends. In this story, they also use words related to the mouse such as fabmouse, squeak, etc. I have many books about these characters. In each book, they go on many different adventures. Till now my favorite is this one. So I think that's enough for this blog. In my coming blogs, I will tell you about the other books of Thea Stilton. Th

A Blog On My Favorite Animal

Author : ADITI JOSHI Hi friends today I am going to tell you a blog on my favorite animal. My favorite animal is the elephant because of its trunks. They use their trunks to reach fruits upon high trees or to shower themselves with mud or water. They also use their trunk to defend themselves from predators. There are two different elephants, the Asian elephants, and the African elephants. Asian elephants have lighter bodies and shorter ears than African elephants and African elephant's ears are in the shape of Africa. I love the Asian - Indian elephant. My parents have taken me to several zoos across India - the smaller zoos of Mumbai and Bangalore and the larger ones in Pune, Hyderabad, and Mysore - where I have enjoyed seeing them being bathed, fed. And I love it the most when the elephant takes water in his trunk and sprays it all over its trainer or on its own body. Elephants are herbivores and eat vegetables, fruits, grasses, so they are friendly and harmless to humans. Hey, o

Precious Gift - Water And Nature

  Author: Nirbhava Bhandary Hello, Readers today I would like to discuss a very important topic with you. Do you know what makes our planet so unique? Earth is the only planet that has life-giving 'Water'. We all know how water is important for us, human beings, animals, and plants all depend on water to survive but the amount of fresh water on earth is less. We get fresh water from the rains however due to the cutting of trees, deforestation has affected the water cycle and there is hardly any rain near dams and rivers. Even farmers depend on rain for their crops. In many states like Karnataka and Maharashtra farmers are facing drought year after year. Dr. Anil Kumar Malhotra and Pamela Malhotra who traveled to India from the U.S.A in 1986 were very sad when they saw that the forest in India was disappearing. They came back to India and started Sai i.e Save Animal Initiative; Which is India's first private wildlife sanctuary, they bought 55 acres of barren land in

If I Was The Principal Of The School For One Day...

  Author : SK.NIDARSANA YAADAV Hey friends, I am back with another blog. Today my blog is really very interesting and also most of you might have thought about it. Any guesses….. Well, let me tell you. Today my blog topic is if I was the principal of the school for one day. I have always imagined what if I was in the place of my principal. She is the one commanding everyone at school and looks beautiful in a saree. The first thing that I would do after becoming a principal is that there would be no homework. Most of us get scolded by teachers and parents for not completing it. The second thing I would do is I would request the teachers to teach the students in such a way that they don't have to open their books at home. The third thing I would do is that there would be free snacks and fruit juices available in every class so that the children can have them whenever they feel hungry and thirsty without disturbing the ongoing classes. I would make sure that all Saturdays are holidays

My Dream Classroom

  Author: Nirbhava Bhandary Hello, friends, my topic is very different, so, can you guess? My topic is “My Dream classroom”. We all love our classroom as we spend a lot of time here. I love my classroom too. We study there, we play there and we do many things. But if we get a chance to change our classroom, how do you want it to be? I love nature so I will love my classroom in a garden. It will be nice if there will be a classroom in the garden. I will play there. There will be a play area with slides and swings, there will be toys. The classroom will be very bright and full of fresh air. At the night the classroom will change into beds and we can sleep there. Studying under the trees will be very interesting, I would love to study and play in my garden classroom. It will be a dream come true to study in the open air. I wish that my dream classroom becomes real… I will love to meet you again bye for now. By - Nirbhava Bhandary

Sharing Is Caring...

  Author: Kavinaya Anand "Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others." Why sharing is important? Sharing spreads joy and kindness. Sharing is a critical skill that can come in handy when kids go to play or learn with other kids. This sharing can be started in a year and can develop. Sharing sows the seeds of empathy and builds social skills. Children under the age of 4, can't understand sharing is caring. So as adults or kids, we can make them do. We can take turns in toys. How? We can simply tell them, "my turn" and take the toy and play with it. After some time, give the toy to the little child and say, "your turn." Sometimes, when we ask our little child to give the toy to another child, they shout "mine!" At that time, we should not force them to give. Sharing is a fine balance of respecting ownership and being considerate of others. Respect your child’s right to the possessions they consid


  Author : SK.NIDARSANA YAADAV Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little boy named Suresh. Suresh was the only child, and he lived with his parents in a small hut as they were poor. His father used to work in a mill. One day Suresh's father lost his job, and they found it very difficult to survive. Suresh thought of going into the forest and pick up some dry woods and sell them in the market, and the money would be enough for a meal. Suresh went into the forest in search of the wood. After he picked up a bundle of dry wood, he lost his way back home. He was about to cry, and all of a sudden heard a voice. He looked around but did not find anyone. He got scared. Finally, he knew that a big tall tree was talking to him. The tree asked him, “Why are you crying”. The boy told him everything. The tree replied that he would help him. The tree asked Suresh to dig the ground beside his root. Suresh started to dig. A little deep he found a bag of clothes, threads, and a nee

The Brilliant Detective...

  Author: Arusha Sanjay Bane Exhausted from my travel, I returned back home, my legs paining awfully. As soon as I opened my door I realized that my house was in ruins! The papers were crumpled on the ground, the chairs and the table were fallen down and my possessions were all broken and strewn across the room. Well, something seemed fishy. I rushed towards the kitchen and my bedroom only to find them all in the same condition! At last, I decided to take suspicions to a nearby detective, so the person might shed some light on the situation. Well, if you don’t know who a detective is, here it is: A detective is a person who investigates crimes. They solve crimes by collecting information from witnesses and informants or by collecting physical evidence or by searching through records in databases. Well by mentioning detectives, it struck me to tell that the most famous detective is a frictional one yet many peoples’ favorite one. Can you guess who is he? Yes! It’s Sherlock Holmes! Basic

The Magical Teapot

Author: ARYA GUPTA There was an old man named, Yang Shing Liu. He had owned a bone china shop which was filled with unique and antiques crockery like teacups and saucers, teapots, and many more. Yang Shing Liu had three sons. His first son's name was Kim Quian and he was very lazy. He used to all-day sit in front of the TV and never help around. His second son's name was Lee Shaishi and he was a person whose temper was very high. He always talked to his brothers in a rude manner. And the third son's name was and Zhao and he was fond of books. He loved to study and was very kind. But he was blind so he did not get well education and his brothers treated him very badly. One day the old man fell ill, so before he was gonna go he called his three sons and gave them an antique teapot. He told his three sons that it is a magical teapot that will grant you wishes. But it will only grant them once a year for 3 years. He said that it is very precious and if it is broken all its powe

A Visit To The Beach

  Author: Shivansh Kumar Hi, everyone. I am very excited to share my experience on a very interesting topic, ‘A visit to Beach’. Beach is a very beautiful place. It is land near the sea. Beach is also called seashore full of sand. I can spend many hours on the beach. It relieves me of all tensions about studies. We can experience a fresh and cool breeze coming from the sea all the time. We can see many coconut trees on the beach. One of the beaches which I visited last year was the Calangute beach in Goa. It is a very clean and beautiful beach full of greenery. We can do many activities on the beach such as surfing on the sea near the beach, playing volleyball on the beach, making sandcastles, etc. We came across many vendors selling decorative items made up of seashells and shops like clothes, toy shops, and food items, etc. I saw many tourists playing in the seawater near the beach. I saw old people sitting on the bench and enjoying the cool breeze. I spent many hours with my parents

If The Internet Stopped...

Author: Aditi Joshi Hello, friends, I am back with another exciting blog, and it is called “If the internet stopped”. Some might think it would be great but others might not. Let me tell you what I think of honestly: The internet has helped us in many ways such as being a source of knowledge, information, and learning. My favorite is using the online dictionary that quickly helps me in new words or meanings. My parents tell me that these days they use it more for banking, shopping, and paying bills. Sometimes we get hooked to the internet and spend way too much time on it. Being continuously online – playing video games, watching Youtube and Netflix can be addictive and harmful for us to waste time and we can be distracted easily. So, I was very curious to know about the time when the internet did not exist or was not this popular. When I researched a bit, you will be surprised by what I found! Not too long ago (in 1995) fewer than 1% of the world’s population was online. I checked wit

Work From Home At My House

  Author: Soham Kadam Hey readers, I am back with a new and very interesting topic. Today's topic is based on work from home and in today's blog, I am going to tell you all what are the advantages of work from home at my house and what are the disadvantages of work from home at my house. I hope you all will like this blog and also enjoy it, So without wasting your and my time Let's begin. During this lockdown, We are not able to go out of our home so our parents are doing work from home. At my house, my parents are doing work from home. They are having some advantages and disadvantages to it. The advantage of work from home is that my parents do not need to travel and they don't need to hurry to go to work. The disadvantage of Work from home is that my parents need to work more than 4 to 5 hours than before in work from home. My parents need to work on holidays, they are not able to spend time with family like before, they need to work till late night, they are not havi